What is Lent?

Early in the Church's history, the major events in Christ's life were observed with special observances, such as His birth, baptism, death, resurrection and ascension. As these observances developed, a period of time was set aside prior to the major events of Jesus' birth and resurrection as a time of preparation.

For many, Lent represents a season remembrance and preparation. The 40 days of Lent are an observance of the 40 days Jesus spent in the desert fasting and enduring temptation by Satan.

During Lent, the Church's worship assumes a more penitential character. The color for the season is purple, a color often associated with penitence. The "Hymn of Praise" is omitted from the liturgy. The word "Alleluia" is usually omitted as well. By not using the alleluia — a joyful expression meaning "Praise the Lord" — until Easter, the Lenten season is clearly set apart as a distinct time from the rest of the year.

Finally, the penitential character of Lent is not its sole purpose. This time in the Church's calendar was seen as an especially appropriate time for Baptism because of the relationship between Christ's death and resurrection and our own in Holy Baptism (see Rom. 6:1-11).

This focus would suggest that the season of Lent serves not only as a time to meditate on the suffering that Christ endured on our behalf but also as an opportunity to reflect upon our own Baptism and what it means to live as a child of God.


Ash Wednesday - Wednesday, March 5

11am Lunch in the Reception Room

12:15pm Service in the Sanctuary

5:30pm Service in the Sanctuary

6:30pm Dinner in the Reception Room
Provided by Redeemer Youth Fundraiser* - Taco Night

*At-will donations will benefit the group attending Youth Gathering in July.

Wednesday, March 12

11am Lunch in the Reception Room

12:15pm Service in the Sanctuary

5:30pm Service in the Sanctuary

6:05pm Dinner in the Reception Room
Provided by the Mission Board - Soup Night

Wednesday, March 19

11am Lunch in the Welcome Center

12:15pm Service in the Sanctuary

5:30pm Service in the Sanctuary

6:05pm Dinner at Tony C’s Pizza on W Anderson Lane

Wednesday, March 26

11am Lunch in the Reception Room

12:15pm Service in the Sanctuary

5:30pm Service in the Sanctuary

6:05pm Dinner in the Reception Room
Provided by Family Life and MomCo - Pasta Night

Wednesday, April 2

11am Lunch in the Reception Room

12:15pm Service in the Sanctuary

5:30pm Service in the Sanctuary

6:05pm Dinner in the Reception Room
Provided by the School Board - Baked Potato & Brisket

Wednesday, April 9

11am Lunch in the Reception Room

12:15pm Service in the Sanctuary

5:30pm Service in the Sanctuary

6:05pm Dinner in the Reception Room
Provided by the Lay Ministry Board - Pulled Pork Sandwiches

Palm Sunday - Sunday, April 13

Services at 8, 9:30 and 11am

Maundy Thursday - Thursday, April 17

Services at 12:15pm and 5:30pm

Good Friday - Friday, April 18

12:00-3pm - Tre Ore Service - (Come and go as you are able)

5:30pm - Traditional Choir Service

Easter - Sunday, April 20

6:30am - Sunrise Communion Service

8, 9:30 & 11am - Easter Services

Breakfast Celebration and Easter Egg Hunt